
2020-07-17 本站





获得专利7项:(1)“蒸馏锅”(ZL 2018 3 0221812.8,排1);(2)“育苗杯”(ZL 2018 3 0222216.1,排3);(3)“一种阔叶树轻基质育苗的基质配方”(ZL 2015 1 0171489.3,排4);(4)“一种环保型轻基质育苗泡沫容器”(ZL 2015 2 0242577.3,排5);(5)“育苗泡沫容器(轻基质)”(ZL 2015 3 0088915.8,排5);(6)“樟树无性系组培繁育方法”(ZL 2012 1 0346936.0,排6);(7)“枫香无性系组培繁育方法”(ZL 2012 1 0346938.X,排6)。

制订标准8项:(1)主持制定行业标准《体育博彩平台排名》( LY/T 2459-2015);(2)参与制定行业标准《亚洲博彩》( LY/T 2460-2015 )、《体育博彩平台排名》(LY/T 2039-2012)、《博彩平台大全》(LY/T2037-2012)、《体育博彩平台排名》(LY/T 2461-2015);(3)参与制定地方标准:《体育博彩平台排名》(DB44/T 1439-2014)、《体育博彩平台排名》(DB44/T 1236-2013)、《体育博彩平台排名》(DB44/T 1437-2014)。


1. Bai QS, Cai YL, He BX, Liu WC, Pan QY, Zhang Q*. Core set construction and association analysis of Pinus massoniana from Guangdong province in southern China using SLAF-seq. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 13157. (SCI, *通讯作者).

2. Xie PW, Lin SZ, Lai Q, Lian HM, Chen JL, Zhang Q*, He BX. The complete plastid genome of Chinese cinnamon, Cinnamomum Aromaticum Nees (Lauraceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2019, 4(2): 3831-3833. (SCI, *通讯作者).

3.Bai QS, He BX, Cai YL, Lian HM, Zhang Q*. Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses reveal several critical metabolic pathways and candidate genes involved in resin biosynthesis in Pinus massoniana. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s00438-019-01624-1. (SCI, *通讯作者).

4. Wang Y L, Zeng L H, Chen Y Q, He B X, Lian H M, Cai Y L, Zhang Q, Chen Q. 2017. Genotypic variations of open-pollinated families of Cinnamomum camphora seedlings from south China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 29(4): 404–416(SCI, 通讯作者)

5. Zhang Q, Zhang Z Y, Lin S Z, Zheng H Q, Lin Y Z, An X M, Li Y, Li H X. 2015. Expression profiling of disease resistance genes with a nucleotide binding site in a triploid white poplar. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 24: 283–291 (SCI).

6. Zhang Q, Wang C, Li K, Tian J L, Shou H X. 2011. Identification of rice purple acid phosphatases related to Pi-starvation signaling. Plant Biology, 13: 7–15(SCI).

7. Zhang Q, Zhang Z Y, Lin S Z, Zheng H Q, Lin Y Z, An X M, Li Y, Li H X. 2008. Characterization of resistance gene analogs with a nucleotide binding site isolated from a triploid white poplar. Plant Biology, 10: 310-322. (SCI)

8. Zhang Q, Zhang Z Y, Lin S Z, Lin Y Z. 2005. Resistance of transgenic hybrid triploids in Populus tomentosa Carr. against 3 species of lepidopterans following two winter dormancies conferred by high level expression of cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene. Silvae Genetica, 54: 108-116. (SCI)

9. Zheng H Q§, Zhang Q§, Li H X, Lin S Z, An X M, Zhang Z Y. 2011. Over-expression of the triploid white poplar PtDrl01 gene in tobacco enhances resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Plant Biology, 13: 145–153(SCI, §共同第一).

10. Wang C§, Zhang Q§, Shou H X. 2009. Identification and expression analysis of OsHsfs in rice. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 10: 291-300. (SCI, §共同第一)

11. Zeng L H, Zhang Q, He B X, et al. 2013. Age trends in 体育博彩平台排名 parameters for growth and resin-yielding capacity in masson pine. Silvae Genetica, 2013, 62: 7–18. (SCI)

